
Pair of Hawkes: That Thing Has Legs

Deviation Actions

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Literature Text

Two weeks after the whole "Fenris issue", Merrill asked the twins to come to her house in the Alienage "to show you something amazing". As usual, Anders tagged along. Adia knocked on the door, and Merrill opened it, eyes wide. “Oh good, you're here! Come on, I want you to see!” She latched onto Adia’s hand and practically dragged her into her bedroom. There, in the corner, was a... Mirror? It at least looked like one, but didn't reflect anything, and also appeared broken.

“You have a broken mirror?” Adia asked, raising an eyebrow. “It's... Pretty.” Amber got into the doorway and stared at the mirror, eyes wide and breathing a bit erratic. There was a black aura around it, and a heavy sense of dread that seemed to hang in the air.

“Amber?” Anders asked, putting a hand on her back. He knew this reaction, and instantly grew wary of the mirror she was staring at.

“Merrill... What is that thing?” the elder Hawke managed to ask between gritted teeth. Merrill walked to it and gently ran her hand over the surface.

“It's an Eluvian; a piece of ancient history. There used to be one in every major city, and they were used to communicate over long distances. My Clan found this one in the Brecilian Forest. Well, two of my Clan did, anyway. Mahariel was tainted, and Tamlen... We never found him. Just the broken pieces of the Eluvian.”

“Wait, the mirror killed someone?” the healer questioned. “And tainted another?”

“No, we don't know that it killed Tamlen,” Merrill quickly replied. “But Mahariel was taken by a Grey Warden, to be saved... The Keeper said it was for the best, but I had hoped the Eluvian could cure her. I just didn't know how to fix it.”

“Didn't know how to fix it? You know how to fix it now then?” Adia wondered.

“Well, sort of,” the Dalish answered, sitting on her bed. “The Eluvian was tainted, like Mahariel. And I didn't know how to cleanse it on my own, so I asked for help from the Keeper. But she said it was better left broken; that no good could come of fixing a thing that had taken two of our best hunters already.”

“And you brought it here, anyway?” Amber asked after a bit of silence.

“It's something from the time of Arlathan! I couldn't just forget about it. It's a Keeper's job to remember. Even the bad things.”

“When you say taint, you don't mean like the darkspawn, do you?” the blonde mage brought up, still eyeing the mirror with suspicion. Merrill shrugged.

“I think so. Is there another kind of taint? But don't worry, the Eluvian's fine now. I fixed it with blood magick!” She grinned, but the other two mages’ eyes went wide, and Adia hit her palm against her forehead.

“Merrill... You know I love you, but you can't fix anything with blood magick,” the archer said with a sigh. “It tends to make things worse.”

“I have things totally under control, Adia!”

“You do not!” Anders thundered. “Blood magick doesn't "fix" things, Merrill. For all you know, you've been doing a Demon's dirty work in repairing this thing.” The Elf pulled back and frowned, and Amber sighed heavily.

“...Anders, enough,” she told him. “There's a reason Merrill asked us here, and I'm sure it wasn't just to see the mirror.”

“No, I... I need your help. I've put all the pieces back, but it still won't work. And I think that's because it needs to be finished with a special tool. An Arul'inhom, and my Clan has one,” Merrill explained.

“And I take it you want us to go with you?” Adia guessed, leaning on the doorframe and crossing her arms over her chest.

“Oh please!” Merrill turned big, pleading eyes on the redhead. “I can't talk to the Keeper alone! She has a stare that just turns your bones to jelly, or... Or she and I just talk circles around one another. Help me convince her.”

“To what, let you finish this Maker-forsaken thing? Are you insane?”

“This is none of your business, Anders!”

“It is too!” he shouted back, pointing a finger at her. “You're not involving Amber and Adia on some foolish errand to fix a thing that might taint them like it will y-” Amber suddenly unhooked her staff and whacked him on the back of his head. “OW!” The red-eyed mage put her staff away and folded her arms as well.

“I said enough, Anders. Now then... Adia, opinion?”

“Sure, why not?” her twin replied with a shrug. “It's not like it'll be the strangest thing we've done this week.” Merrill perked up, smiling brightly as she hugged them.

“Oh thank you! I knew I could count on you!”

“Let's head out now. The sooner we talk to Marethari, the sooner we get back home,” Amber advised.

“This is a bad idea...” Anders said softly, as Amber narrowed her eyes.

“Noted. Now either come along quietly, or go home, Anders. You want to play the part of... A certain brooding idiot, then you can do it alone.” His eyes widened for a moment before he sighed heavily.

“All right...” Adia returned Merrill's hug with less enthusiasm than normal and just followed the group out of the house, ignoring Amber's “broody idiot” comment.

“Nothing ever goes how we plan it, Merrill,” she reminded the Elven mage. “At the very least we're going to be gone the rest of the day.”
* * *  

They arrived at the Dalish camp, but Merrill seemed to lose some of her excitement as the group approached the Keeper. “Da'len, you return to us?” Marethari wondered, hope in her voice. Merrill squirmed and wrung her hands.

“No, I....” She looked at the Hawkes.

“Keeper Marethari, Merrill wants to know if she can have the... Arul'inhom,” Amber told the older woman.

“For the mirror?!” the Keeper guessed, eyes wide. “But that thing is evil!”

“Thank you...” Anders whispered, as Amber elbowed him.

“Then you leave me no choice,” the younger Elf stated, standing up straighter. “I'm invoking Via su' lavarren. I'll do whatever task you wish.”

“Well, it's nice to see I can still disapprove, for all the good it does me,” Marethari said with a scowl.

“Via-what-now?” Adia wondered, looking confused. “Could we possibly speak a little less Elfish for those who don't understand it?” The Keeper smiled at the redhead.

“My apologies. It is an ancient Dalish tradition. Any member of the Clan may do a task that helps us all, and be rewarded with whatever they wish. Since Merrill is still one of the People, she may invoke this.”

“So... What must she do?” the elder Hawke wondered.

“There is a cave near here, where a Varterral lives. However, it has killed three of our hunters. I would like you to deal with it.”

“...Deal with it?” the healer asked, suddenly getting a bad feeling.

“Kill it,” Marethari clarified.

“What would our day be like with out bloodshed of some kind?” Adia brought up, her voice dripping with sarcasm. “Amazing. Where's the cave?””

“A mile down, around the bend,” the Keeper replied, pointing down the path. “And please da'len, retrieve their amulets if you can.”

“Yes Keeper,” Merrill replied as they all headed off.

“Merrill, what exactly is a Varterral?” Amber wanted to know once they were clear of the camp.

“An Elvehn guardian. They would protect the major cities and other important areas from trespassers. Normally they let us come and go as we please... Something must have angered this one.”

“What do they look like?”

“...I don't know. I've never seen one.”

“Wonderful,” Anders stated with a frown. “I'm sensing a wyvern hunt fiasco all over ag-” Again, Amber hit him over the head with her staff. “What?! What did I say?!”

“You're brooding,” she answered, pulling Merrill away from him. Adia smiled slightly as she leaned up and patted the blonde’s shoulder.

“You're not very good at brooding. And it might be wise to lay off Merrill. I know you don't agree with what she's doing, but I highly doubt Amber would be helping her if she thought Merrill would be doing anything insanely dangerous or foolish.”

“Adia, she is doing something foolish,” he retorted. “That mirror in her house is practically a beacon for Demons with how much blood magick she's probably used on it. You and I can both see this, so why can't your sister? She's the one who can see magick, for the Maker's sake...”

“Because for once she's the only person in the group other than Merrill who doesn't have a constant rain cloud following them about? I don't know, Anders. Maybe she's hoping Merrill will figure out what she's doing is wrong, or she has some other plan up her sleeve.” Adia shrugged. “Just have to trust her I guess.”

“I do trust her. I just don't want to see anyone get hurt.” They saw the cave just up ahead, where Amber and Merrill were waiting. Adia turned to the healer with a smirk.

“Someone always gets hurt. It comes with the territory.” She cast a disapproving glance at the dark hole. “...That thing is probably full of spiders.”

“Probably,” the Dalish admitted with a shrug.

“You'll be fine,” her sister assured her. “I'll get any that try to come near you.”

“I just hope the spiders are the biggest concern,” Anders quipped.

“I'm not above running screaming like a little kid from them,” the archer admitted, unhooking her bow from her back. “Let's get this over with then.” The group headed into the cave, and Merrill almost immediately tripped over the body of an Elf. She bent down, murmuring in Dalish, and then took an amulet off his neck as she stood. The others all stared at the hole through the corpse’s chest. It was at least a foot around, and had gone all the way through the body.

“This needs to be returned to his family. And once the Varterral is gone, we can retrieve the bodies,” the Elven mage stated, not even addressing the damage.

“Merrill... The Varterral killed him?” Amber asked, eyes still wide.

“I think so.”

“...Shit...” Anders stated, swallowing hard. Adia looked at the three of them, then at her bow, and then back to the three of them.

“...We're going to die in here.”

“Adia, that's not-” her sister started to respond, before the healer cut her off.

“No, I think she's right.” As the red-eyed mage huffed, Merrill tugged her arm.

“Um... Forward? I'm sure it's all a misunderstanding, and we can convince the Varterral to leave the Clan alone.” She and Amber started walking, and Anders and Adia looked at each other, still shocked and confused.

“...So...” The redhead looked at the dead Elf, and then back to him. “You can heal holes like that, right? 'Cause that just looks like a painfully uncomfortable way to die.”

“As long as the hole isn't through your heart or your head, I'm pretty sure I can patch it up. Oh, lungs too. Don't let them get hit.”

“Good to know.” They headed deeper into the cave, where two groups of spiders were encountered. Adia was little to no use against the arachnids, spending most of her time running and screaming rather than shooting. However, once they were clear of the creatures, they all heard footsteps coming from a side tunnel. The archer aimed her bow at the entrance, lowering it only when a young male Elf jogged through it, looking relieved.

“Oh praise Andra- I mean, thank the Creators! I thought I was going to die down here. How did you-” He saw Merrill, and instantly looked terrified.

“Aneth'era, Pol,” she greeted with a smile. “Are you hurt?”

“St-stay away from me, Demon!” he cried, backing up.

“...Excuse me?” Amber asked, staring at him. Even Anders was caught off-guard by the boy’s reaction. Adia raised an eyebrow and tilted her head.

“I think that's the fastest I've ever seen someone go from happy to see us to “oh Maker get away from me”.”

“I've heard what you've been doing!” Pol continued. “Get away from me!” He turned and took off down another tunnel.

“Pol, NO!” the Dalish mage cried, darting after him.

“Andraste's tits, what is it with people and jumping to conclusions?!” Amber demanded, right behind her friend.

“Our bad day just got worse,” the healer sighed, following them.

“Well, at least I’m not going to die a virgin,” Adia quipped.

“That's not funny, Adia. I don't plan on letting any of you die without a fight.”

“I found it hysterical,” she shot back with a smirk. The two of them entered a large cavern right behind the other two mages. Pol was at the far end, against the wall, looking for a way out. However, from the shadows, came a... Thing... Its gray body had four pointed legs set in a square, two tiny arms, and a head with only a mouth. Pol saw it just as it rammed a leg through his chest, and a piercing, otherworldly scream came from the creature.

“NO!” Merrill screamed, hands over her mouth. Amber held her from running to Pol, fear stabbing straight through her.

“I take it back. NOW it's worse,” the healer revealed

“...Kill it with fire!” Adia ordered, loading her bow and shooting.

“Done and done!” Amber agreed, hurling a fireball at the creature. Justice manifested and grabbed a sword from a skeleton nearby.

“Back, foul beast!” he ordered.

“By Elgar'non, you will pay for that!” Merrill vowed, calling on her own powers. The fight however, did not start out well for the team. The creature easily avoided the tangle of vines that Merrill sent at it, didn't really take much damage from Adia's arrows, danced through the fire, and then knocked Justice into a wall.

“Any ideas?!” the red-eyed mage called out, standing in front of Justice as he shakily regained his feet. Adia took a quick stock of the group, and nodded.

“...Possibly.” She detached the blades from her bow and set the actual bow down, holding the blades between her hands. The redhead looked around the cave for a moment and started running towards a group of rocks, climbing up them to a small ledge. Taking a small step back and then a leap, she landed on the thing's back. A moment later she got herself balanced, and ran along its spine to the base of its neck, where she dug the blades in and rode it... Like a horse. The creature started thrashing around wildly, and she heard screaming, saw fire flash past her face, and felt like she was riding a boulder during an earthquake. Finally, the creature screamed again and went down. However, Adia’s grip on her blades loosened on impact, and she flew face first into a wall, seeing nothing but stars and then darkness.
* * *

What seemed like a moment later, Adia heard a muffled voice: “Adia! Adia, please wake up! Please oh please, don't be dead!” She slowly opened her eyes, bringing a hand up to her head and frowning.

“...I'm not dead. I wish I was... My head is throbbing, but I'm not dead.” As her eyes came back into focus, the rogue noticed a very fine red mist hovering over her, and Merrill's hands were on her temples. The Dalish’s eyes held concern.

“Oh thank the Creators! Amber and I thought... I mean after you flew into the wall... You didn't move, and-”

“Merrill, it's okay,” came Amber’s soft voice. “We're going to be okay.”

“I know we are. I'm just grateful, that's all.” Realization dawned on Adia as to what the mist was, and she blinked a few times, swatting Merrill’s hands away and sitting up quickly. However, her head immediately made it known that that had not been a good idea, and the room swam, and turned upside down.

“Adia, no! Lie still!” Merrill chastised, pushing her back down. The redhead fell back with a groan, hands pressed to her head.

“...Ow...” she squeaked out.

“Adia?” Amber called out. Her sister responded by whining, pulling her legs up to put her feet flat on the ground.

“...Merrill... Normally I wouldn't say things like this, but... Please don’t use your magick on me. I trust you, just not it.” The Elf nodded sadly.

“I'm sorry, but there was no other way to heal you, and you were the worst of the injuries that we could tell. It- It wasn't a lot, and I just closed the crack in your skull.” The rogue moved her hands and cracked open one eye, sitting up slowly.

“Where's Anders?” she wondered, looking around. Amber was sitting against the nearest wall, one side of her face bloody, and her arm wrapped against her chest, the bandages red. Anders was lying next to her, unconscious, with one leg all mangled.

“A large rock fell on him, but Merrill managed to move it. He also took some damage from Justice getting thrown into the wall a few times,” her sister answered.

“Amber pushed me behind her when you stabbed the Varterral. You both fly the same, you know,” Merrill added. The red-eyed mage gave her a confused look, while Adia frowned and covered her eyes again.

“I'm sorry... I guess that wasn't a very good plan after all.”

“Well, it's dead and we're not,” Amber reminded her.

“It wouldn't have been worth it to trek all the way out here if at least one of us didn't have life threatening injuries. Mother is going to throw a fit when she sees us all.”

“I'm sorry,” the Elf apologized. “You tried to help me, and it almost killed us.”

“But it didn't,” the elder Hawke stated. “We'll be all right, Merrill. Your magick saved Adia, and that's all that matters to me.”

“Even though it's blood magick?” Amber sighed and frowned.

“I'm not saying you should use that magick, but... It did come in handy.”

“So what now?” Adia asked. “I can barely sit up, Amber doesn't look all that awesome, and Anders is out cold.”

“We have to get Anders up,” Amber told the rogue. “He's the only one who can get us all moving.”

“But how?” Merrill wondered. Amber sighed again.

“...Merrill, you have to-”

“He hates blood magick!”

“I know, but I'm not a healer, and Adia can't really move. He won't hurt you.”

“And Justice?”

“Him either.” Adia just stared at her twin, then looked at the Dalish.

“...Merrill, pick that rock up over there and hit me in the head with it again. I want no part of this one.” Merrill looked horrified.

“I will not! Amber... Please, I-” The other mage suddenly braced herself against the wall, walking herself up it until she was on her feet, breathing heavily. Adia saw a gash near her sister’s temple, blood still running from it, coating the side of her neck.

“Then I'll do it.” Both girls stared at the elder Hawke, Adia with her mouth hanging open. No, her sister had not just insinuated that she would be using blood magick… Amber leaned heavily on her staff, dropping to her knees in front of Anders and pressing a hand to his chest. “I'm sorry, Anders... But you have to wake up.” A small jolt of lightning streaked from her fingers into him, and he was up a moment later, gasping for air. They could all hear the wheezing he was doing, and Adia was betting at least a few ribs were broken. Finally, Anders calmed down and shifted his attention to the rogue and Merrill.

“We're alive?”

“...Barely,” Adia retorted, covering her eyes again. “It seems Merrill managed to escape most of my stupid idea backfiring.”

“How?” the healer wondered, looking at the Elf. She had the grace to look embarrassed, and dropped her gaze to the floor.


“Doesn't matter,” Amber interrupted. “Get yourself standing, and then help Adia. We're going home.”

“Amber-” He turned to her, and his eyes nearly bugged out of his head. “Love, what in the world happened?!”

“The Varterral,” she replied, blinking at him. Anders looked down at his leg, grimacing when he saw the damage. However, he just planted his staff in the ground, used his good leg to stand, and looked at Adia. Both Amber and Merrill stared at him like he’d grown two heads.

“...Anders, if you heal me before you fix your own damn leg, I'll break your good one,” the redhead threatened.

“Look... I can't feel it,” he told them. “Let me get you standing, and then I'll work on it. Because if I don't help you first, I'll be in no condition to concentrate.”

“Fine, but heal Amber first.”

“No argument here,” the healer agreed.

“Why me? I can function.”

“You do look pretty bad, Amber...” Merrill admitted.

“Because I just have a head wound,” Adia countered. “You look worse off, plus I'm used to being hurt. This is nothing.” The blonde stared at his lover until she blushed, and gently ran his hand along the gash on her head, eyes widening.

“How did this happen?”

“A leg was coming for my head... I rolled, but not fast enough.”

“I guess this is after Justice dropped?”

“Right after,” Merrill told him. “She went to defend him, and got knocked down, and then the Varterral tried to step on her, and- I'll stop now.”

“I'm sorry we weren't there,” he apologized.

“You're here now, and that's what counts.” He got Amber mostly healed, though he left the bandages on her arm, and then carefully made his way over to Adia. Merrill got the archer standing, but her legs did not want to support her. Anders steadied Adia as well, and as his magick worked, she felt much more... Solid. The healer then frowned, shaking his hand like he’d gotten something on it.

“Okay... What gave you that head wound, anyway?” She leaned back against the wall, rubbing her head.

“Apparently I went flying head first into the wall at some point. I don't remember. I was riding the monster then I woke up on the ground.”

“It felt... Odd.” Amber’s eyes widened at his statement, and she quickly tried to turn the conversation elsewhere.

“Anders, I'll-” However, Merrill decided to counteract her idea.

“Oh, I didn't realize you could sense blood magick too.” As Anders’ jaw hit the floor, the red-eyed mage covered her face with her hands.

“Merrill...” she sighed. Adia groaned and massaged her temples, hoping this didn’t lead to a big fight.

“Anders... Just heal yourself. Her intentions were good, otherwise I would have most likely died from leaking my brains all over the floor. We'll just never speak of this again.” But the former Grey Warden wasn’t going to let this go so easily.

“Good intentions don't excuse what she did! She used blood magick to heal you! Demons don't help, they hurt. There's no telling what she promised them in return-” The rogue saw her sister’s eyes darken for just a moment, and she took her staff, hooked it around Anders', pulling it from his grip. He crashed to the floor, and the cracks that signified Justice started, but Amber quickly straddled him, fire sheathing her wounded arm as she grabbed his coat with her good one. Merrill quickly hid behind the redhead.

“No more!” Amber shouted, face inches from her lover’s. “I'm sick of you talking like Merrill is an evil, horrible person! Yes, she is misguided. Yes, she is naive. But she is a good, honest, loving friend! I know you hate blood mages, Anders, and with good reason. But Merrill isn't like them. Just like all mages aren't the magisters that Fenris kept comparing us to. Stop and think, instead of being a hypocrite! People could and have viewed me as a maleficar because of my eyes, and you've been called an abomination because of Justice. None of us are without our scars, but we need to work together instead of fighting with each other about how we all handle magick. Merrill saved Adia's life when you couldn't. I am grateful to her, even if I wanted to jump out of my own skin when she was healing her. Please, no more fighting. I just... I just want to go home and forget this day ever happened.” Both mage and Spirit were too shocked by her outburst to do anything but stare up at her. Adia threw her hands in the air.

“Finally!” She started walking out of the cave, Merrill trailing behind her.

“Adia? ...What did you mean?” the Dalish asked after a little bit of walking.

“What did I mean by what, Merrill?”

“The whole "finally" thing?”

“I've been waiting for Amber to call Anders on his whole "Merrill is a bad person simply because she does blood magick" bullshit since we all met. You have not done anything to anyone in our group to support his asinine theories.”

“I'm not sure he ever saw me as "Merrill", to be honest,” she stated with a pout.

“Well, I'm pretty sure he'll start seeing you as "Merrill" now. I don't think he'll bring it up after Amber's little speech back there. I swear he and Fenris are... Are...” She frowned and shook her head. “Never mind. Let's get back to your Keeper and get home.”

“Um... Should we wait for them?” Both girls cast a quick glance back at the tunnels, and Adia pointed ahead of them.

“By the entrance might be safer...” They finally saw sunlight as they neared the mouth of the cave, where a group of Dalish hunters was waiting. Marethari was with them, and came over with concern on her face.

“Are you two all right?”

“I... Yes Keeper, we are. And the Varterral has been dealt with,” Merrill replied.

“We just discovered that young Pol was not at camp, and feared he'd come here. Have you seen him?” The younger Dalish mage hung her head and bit her lip.

“He's dead. He ran from us and got himself killed,” Adia stated flatly as some of the Elves gasped in shock.

“I see...” Marethari sighed as she shook her head.

“Keeper, he ran like he expected me to attack him. Why would he do that?”

“The Clan has been wondering why you left. I told them what you were doing, as is my duty.” Merrill’s eyes went wide in shock and slight anger.

“I would never hurt the Clan, you know that! I'm trying to regain our history.”

“Through blood magick, da'len!” the Keeper shot back.

“Blood magick isn't any more evil that any other type! Magick is magick.”

“No, it is not.” That was Justice’s voice, and the women stopped their arguing as everyone peered into the cave, where a dim glow was steadily getting brighter. Justice and Amber slowly made their way towards the group, the elder Hawke bracing the Spirit as best she could. “Magick from a Demon exacts a price on its wielder, Merrill,” he continued. "You will learn that one day, and hopefully when your friends can aid you.”

“I thought “harass Merrill for her choices day” was over with?” Adia said with a tired sigh as she looked at Marethari. “We've done what you asked: The thing is dead.”

“So it is,” the older woman said with a nod. “However, I present the Arul'inhom to you, Adia Hawke. Perhaps you can succeed where I have failed.” The Clan then headed into the cave after the Keeper took the amulets from Merrill.

“What was meant by "Harass Merrill for her choices day"?” Justice wondered.

“What I yelled at Anders about,” Amber told him. “Adia thinks you're starting too.” The Spirit nodded and looked at the Elf.

“Oh... My apologies. I do not see you as a maleficar, Merrill. Anders does not either, but he cannot always properly express his thoughts. They can get very jumbled.”

“You... You don't hate me, Spirit?” Merrill asked, voice soft. Justice seemed genuinely confused by her question.

“Should I? Amber says you are a good person, and I believe her. But we will take our leave and start for Kirkwall. Anders could not maintain control with the pain from his injury, so we will need to be cautious heading in.” The Dalish breathed a sigh of relief and turned to the archer.

“Good. Now then Adia, may I have the Arul'inhom?”

“Just... Don't do anything to put yourself or anyone else in danger,” the redhead cautioned as she handed her the item.

“Merrill, can I see that for a moment?” Amber asked, tilting her head like an idea had occurred to her.

“Of course.” She handed it over, and Amber quickly tucked it into her shirt, wincing a bit as she moved her still-injured arm. Merrill was taken aback. “Amber, what are you doing?!” But the older mage and Justice started walking again.

“Saving you from yourself,” she called back. Merrill turned large, sad eyes to the younger Hawke, obviously wanting help.


“Amber...” The archer frowned “...Now you're being a hypocrite.”

“Yell at me later, sister. But right now, I'm going home.”

“No, I don't want to yell at you later. This is stupid. Merrill asked us for help and now you're claiming to "save her" from herself when really all you're doing is the same thing everyone else is. Give it back to her.” The dark-haired mage stopped walking, turning around with tears in her eyes. There was no way she could explain herself, and she was too tired and stressed from the day to care. She took the tool out and practically threw it at the Dalish, who made a diving save for it.

“There! Do with it what you will. I'm so sick of all of this!” Amber screamed as she bolted. Without the balancing factor, Justice staggered for a moment before trying to go after her, but then crashed to the ground.

“...What just happened?” he called out, feeling Anders' helplessness wash over him. Merrill got to her feet, eyes wide as she watched her friend disappear down the path. Adia sighed heavily and shook her head.

“Merrill... Don't make me regret this.” She then walked over and helped Justice stand. “It's nothing, she'll be fine.”

“But where is she going?” the Spirit wanted to know.

“My assumption would be home. Or at least down to the camp. We'll catch up with her,” Adia answered as they began the slow walk back. However, Amber was nowhere to be seen among the Dalish, and so the trio started for Kirkwall. It was a slow, tedious trek, and by the time they reached the gates, it was dark. As they entered the city, both Aveline and Donnic jogged up to them, the older redhead looking worried.

“Look Captain, there's your missing Hawke, safe and sound.”

“I see that Donnic, and thank you. I'll escort them home.” She quickly took over supporting Justice, glancing at Adia and Merrill. The Spirit’s glow had dimmed a bit, but his eyes were still noticeable. “Why is Justice out, and why did Amber come back alone?” Adia shrugged and put her hands behind her head for a moment.

“Amber didn't agree with something I said to her and she took off ahead of us.” Then she pointed to Justice's leg. “And apparently that really, really hurts.” Aveline’s eyes went wide as she took in the state of the mangled and bloody limb.

“Holy Maker! How are you walking on that?!” The Spirit gave her a look that seemed to amount to an eye-roll.

“I am not walking on it. Anders said that would be bad. And also, I was not the one who was injured, so I can ignore the pain for a while."

“A rock fell on Anders when he tried to help us take down a creature that was bothering my Clan,” the Elf mage clarified.

“Let's get Adia and Justice home, and then I'll escort you to the Alienage, Merrill.” But Adia waved her off and took Merrill’s arm.

“It's fine Aveline: Take Justice home. I'll walk Merrill back and then I'll be home. Justice needs to rest and I'm sure Amber is worried about him.”

“As you wish.” Archer and mage began walking, the Dalish girl idly playing with the tool in her hands. Now that Adia had time to look, it appeared to be a combination brush, knife, and buffing cloth.

“So what is that thing exactly, Merrill? What does it do?”

“It will hopefully repair all the seams in the mirror and the frame, and rejoin the magick that is streaming through it... I... I was going to ask for Amber's help, since she can probably see the pathways, and I can't.”

“That... Might not be a good idea,” the redhead gently told her. “You might have to go at this on your own.” They walked in silence for a bit again. “What are you trying to accomplish by fixing the mirror? I mean... The things you've told us about it already don't sound like good things.”

“...I want to use it to find Tamlen,” Merrill finally answered, voice almost a whisper. Adia looked over at her, a bit surprised.

“Your friend that was lost? Was he that important to you?”

“He...” The Dalish blushed, shaking her head. “Well, he and Mahariel were closer, but the three of us were friends since we were little. The Keeper was content to just say that he must've died, but... There was no body, and if Mahariel had been tainted, then he might have been as well.”

“But people that are tainted don't tend to live very long,” Adia reminded her. “Even if they do, they turn into slaves to the darkspawn. If he was tainted, Merrill I don't think he'd still be alive.”

“But I have to know, Adia! And... And the mirror might be able to find other Eluvians as well. Maybe if other Clans have them, we could talk more, and trade history.” The rogue patted her shoulder, giving her a sympathetic smile.

“I can understand your wanting to know. But sometimes things are better left unanswered. Can't the Dalish communicate another way? Letters? Gatherings? Those kinds of things?”

“Every ten years all the Clans gather, but it's not enough! And I've heard stories that the Eluvians could... Transport people to others.”

“Maybe they're just stories, Merrill. I can't understand how a mirror would be able to transport a full person to Maker knows where.”

“But if you could find out, wouldn't you want to?” Magick had never been Adia’s strong point, and though she was curious by nature, she tended to leave well enough alone in that department. That, and her sister usually got the answers for both of them.

“Trust me. Some questions are better left unanswered.” She gave Merrill a half-smile. “Just promise me you'll be smart about this.”

“I'm not exactly sure what you mean, Adia.”

“Don't do the whole “blood magick making deals with Demons” to make the mirror work. I don't want anything to happen to you.”

“But Adia, I've already asked for help from a Spirit. That's how I cleansed the shards in the first place.” Adia sighed and hung her head.

“Merrill... Just... Never mind. Don't blow up the Alienage fixing the mirror, okay?” The Elf gave her a bright grin.

“Oh, I promise not to do that!”

“Well good, glad we're on the same page then.” They reached her shack, and Adia gave her a hug. “Take care, Merrill. I'll see you later.” With that, she began the walk back to Hightown, and made it to the Estate in record time. However, she frowned when both Diego and Leandra greeted her at the door.

“...One of you greeting me is a good sign. Both of you usually means I'm in some kind of trouble.”

“No, you're not in trouble, Adia,” her mother assured her. “But... Are you all right?” Adia gave her a tired smile.

“I'm fine, Mother. My head is pounding, but I'm all right. Did Amber and Anders make it home?” Leandra folded her arms over her chest and raised an eyebrow. Adia immediately became suspicious that something had happened.


“Your sister came back hours ago, looked like she'd been in a fight, locked herself in the library, and proceeded to apparently throw a fit and then pass out... When Aveline brought Justice home, it looked like the bookcases had exploded. Before Aveline got him to the couch, Anders was back and saying something about the manifesto. Both he and Amber are sleeping in the library right now.”

“Our little adventure didn't go quite as planned... They'll be fine in the morning, Mother. I'll talk to Amber when she's feeling better. It's nothing to worry about.”

“Adia...” Leandra took both her daughter’s hands. “Please, I've never seen your sister lose control like that... She even scared Sandal and Shadowfade.”

“Mother, it was a long day,” Adia explained. “Amber did something she didn't really want to do, we got into an argument, and she came home. If she's sleeping, I really don't want to go in there and wake her or Anders up.”

“All right. But please talk to her in the morning.” Her mother headed upstairs, but Diego pawed gently at his mistress.

“What? You think I should talk to her now?” the redhead wondered, looking down at him and sighing. His answer was to whine a bit and tilt his head. Adia resolved that she had lost that particular argument, and headed into the library. She was slightly taken aback when she saw the state the room was in. Leandra hadn’t been kidding when she said it looked like the bookcases exploded. They were on their sides, books and papers all over the floor. Amber was curled up in the middle of the floor, Anders' jacket over her. Said healer was on the couch, both hands pressed to his injured leg as his magick surrounded it. His eyes were shut tight in pain, and he fell back after a moment, trying to catch his breath.

“Damnit...” he swore softly. The rogue walked into the room, raising both eyebrows at the mess, and then headed to Anders’ side.

“You all right?” He opened his eyes in surprise and looked at her.

“Does it-” He began, before taking as deep a breath as he could. “I'm sorry. But no, I'm not all right. I won't be until I can get off this couch and go to her.”

“Do you want me to drag her closer?” Anders stared at her, trying to determine if she was serious or not.

“...Please tell me that wasn't a serious question.” She grinned back at him.

“Depends on what your answer is.”

“No, don't drag her,” he replied with a shake of his head. “Amber's a heavy sleeper, but I think that would wake her... And I don't want to disturb her. Not after what happened earlier today.”

“So then just lay down and relax and let your leg heal. I'll get some blankets and pillows for you both and everything'll be better in the morning.”

“Will it?” the healer asked, looking suddenly unsure. Adia looked confused.

“Why wouldn't it be? Is the world going to end?”

“Is she still going to want me here after what happened? Are you?” Now the redhead’s mouth fell slightly agape. Where had this line of questions come from?

“What are you talking about, Anders?” There was an awkward silence.

“...When Amber went off on me about Merrill, it seemed you agreed with her. I... I owe that girl an apology. I never thought she was a bad person, but my mouth ran away from me where she was concerned. And I owe you and Amber an apology as well. For being a complete prick about it. I wouldn't have friends if it weren't for you two.... Neither would Merrill.”

“Well, I won't argue with you about your being a prick. But I doubt there's anything that would make Amber not want you anymore. As for me, you should know by now that it takes a lot to get on my bad side.” They shared a small smile.

“I know. Thank you, Adia.” He settled back down. “See you in the morning.” A few minutes later, he was asleep. Adia grabbed some blankets from the closet, draping them over both sleeping mages. Then she quickly picked up the strewn books and papers, setting them in neat piles before heading off to her room, closing the library door behind her and leaving Anders and Amber in peace.
Merrill asks the twins for help, and what starts as a simple "fetch quest" soon turns into disaster.

Preview image by :iconnazgullow:

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